

This is a wrapper around the Guzzle library to simplify usage.

Making a request

Requests follow the same pattern as Guzzle - except that the methods are called statically.


use Laraquick\Helpers\Http;

Http::POST('', [
	'json' => [
  	'name' => 'John Doe'
Http::request('GET', '');


This is where this class diverges from Guzzle. While Guzzle returns a whole bunch of verbose information, Http request methods return the body of response sent by the server.

JSON responses are parsed while every other server responses are passed out raw.

Errors and Status codes

Since request methods only return the server responses, Http provides method hasErrors() to get the check if the response is an error (with response code that's equal or greater than 400) and method getStatusCode() to fetch the status code of the last request.


use Laraquick\Helpers\Http;

$resp = Http::GET('');
if (Http::hasErrors()) {
  // Do something
// get status code of response

The response of the request can be accessed again via method response().

Guzzle Client Object

The client object is available through method client().

Guzzle's Response Object

The verbose response from Guzzle is provided via method rawResponse().

Method response() is available and returns the server response formatted response